Friday, February 29, 2008

Think before you speak

Have you met Bully Moe? Like every class has a bully, Moe is the bully in Calvin's class.
Calvin is flat on the ground after a bullying episode by Moe. But typical of Calvin, he has an end-liner for every situation.

Sea-saw with Snow Ball

I am sure all of us would have played Sea-Saw in the park with our friends. Imagine how it would have been, had it been a snow-ball instead of our friends.

Well, looks like, Calvin’s second best friend, next to Hobbes, is Snow-Ball. And he does have a blasting time playing Sea-Saw with a Snow ball.

Dad's Job

This strip is another CnH classic. I guess the only time Calvin’s Dad likes to be with Calvin is while reading bed time story when Calvin’s mom have to clean up the dishes.
I loved Calvin’s Mom sarcastic and angry comments. Calvin’s innocent inquiry is also too cute.
Certainly reading bed time story is Dad’s Job and he loves it. Read the strip and you will know the reason. ;-)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Calvin Susie and Valentine Day

First of all, wishing everyone a very Happy Valentine Day. I searched the whole CnH collection and found out following strips related to Valentine Day. Check out the strips how Calvin celebrated Valentine's Day with Susie. I always love their fight !!! ;-)